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    Kettle Tools and Accessories

    Kettle tools, like the perforated or solid kettle paddle, globe whip or kettle whip are sized appropriately to stir or mix foods being prepared in large kettles in the institutional kitchen. Shop our selection of light-duty kettle tools or our selection of heavy-duty kettle tools below.

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    Preparing mashed potatoes in a 100 gallon kettle means you need a very large paddle to stir the product as it cooks. Kettle Tools include kettle paddles, kettle whips and kettle ladles in different sizes and weights. Cook’s has kettle tools in extra-heavy duty, heavy duty, medium duty, and light weights. We also have kettle tools in lengths of 60”, 48” and even a 36” length for federal facility use. Traditionally, kettle tools are made of stainless steel for durability and so they can withstand being used in all types of foods, even acidic foods like tomato sauce, but we also carry polypropylene kettle paddles. You can also find accessories for kettles and kettle tools that you won’t find with other websites at Cook’s Direct.

    If you need help in finding the right kettle tools to use in your institutional foodservice kitchen, you can contact our customer service specialists at 866-613-2617. You will be provided with helpful information and technical details about the best kettle tools to use in the institutional foodservice kitchen and they will answer any question you may have.

    Selection Help

    When selecting the best kettle paddle, kettle whip or kettle ladle for your institutional foodservice kitchen, you will want to take into consideration the following things:

    • Do I need an extra-heavy duty kettle tool with an 11 gauge stainless steel handle or will a lighter weight kettle tool work for me?
    • Should I consider medium duty kettle tools because they are lighter weight because I have students working in the kitchen and these kettle tools are easier to handle?
    • What length kettle tool is needed for the large commercial kettles that we cook in at our institutional foodservice kitchen?
    Expert Advice

    Whether you are selecting a 60” kettle whip to use in your university foodservice kitchen or medium duty kettle whips for the batch cooking kitchen in your school district, you will want to consider closely what is the best fit for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call one of our experts.