We are excited to be attending the American Correctional Associations 151st Congress of Corrections next week in Nashville,TN. If you or someone from your facility will be attending, you should stop by and say hello to the Cook’s Team in booth #825.
The show is a little different than it has been in years past. Traditionally, the exhibitor floor opens up on Sunday night and then the floor is open at different times on Monday and Tuesday. This year the exhibit portion of the show will be kick-off on Friday the 13th with an open house reception from 3:45 to 6 p.m. This will be followed by hours on Saturday 8/14 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Sunday 8/15 from 12 to 2:00 p.m. These hours coordinate nicely with the serving time for the complimentary lunch available to all registered attendees and is being served in the exhibit hall.
Representatives from Cook’s at this year’s show include the Jeff Breeden, President and John Yaeger, VP of New Business Development. Additionally, we will have Linda Stock, Sales Support, at the show. On display will be our most popular meal serving trays; the Marathon Tray including our latest models the extra deep tray and the raised compartment tray. We will also have the Gorilla Tray with the raised compartment models and our new MyGo Containers™. Because this show has many attendees that are interested in security, we will also have several models of the Flex Tray as well as Flex Tumblers, Mugs and bowls. We will also have our Vented Drying Rack inserts; one for insulated trays and one for sheet pans. This is a great time to stop by and meet our team and see some products. We will also be bringing some of our very well liked handcuff keychains and Cook’s pens. Don’t forget to stop by Booth #825 and say hello!