Foodservice in Jails and Prisons
The foodservice industry in prisons faces unique difficulties, many of which can be overcome with the right equipment. For instance, the majority of correctional facilities have given up on traditional cafeteria lines in favor of pre-assembled meals delivered on silicone trays in order to prevent the passing of contraband. Even the utensils used by prisoners vary. Trays, transportation, manufacturing tools, and industrial dishwashing equipment are all things Cook’s Correctional provides to make meal delivery easier in correctional settings. Let’s take a look at what this all entails.
Tamper-Proof Foodservice Equipment
It is important when purchasing foodservice equipment for high-risk environments that you select items that are specifically designed for corrections. Such as purchasing cooking equipment with security packages, purchasing trays and flatware that cannot be broken and made into a weapon and even carefully choosing kitchen prep utensils and janitorial supplies that cannot be formed into deadly weapons.
Food Transporting
You will want to make sure you have the proper equipment to transport foods properly and safely to inmates in your facility. Cook’s Correctional has a wide variety of heavy-duty food and tray transport carts, that are all designed to withstand the everyday abuse in correctional facilities. Whether you need a heated transport cart to deliver foods that are a way away from the kitchen, small tray stack carriers to deliver small volumes of foods or insulated tray carts, we have a transport system that will work for you.
Portion Control
Portion control is extremely important within the correctional foodservice industry. Not only does it save money per meal, but it also reduces the risk of inmates fighting over foods. You won’t have to worry about a brawl breaking out over larger portions of food with the correct portion control utensils. Cake markers, portion control servers and more are all effective ways to save money and keep inmates and staff safe while serving meals.
Cook’s Correctional has all of the correctional equipment and supplies you need to operate a safe and efficient facility. If you have any questions regarding the purchase of new foodservice equipment, give our sales or customer service team a call. We are happy to assist you in the buying process.