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    Commercial Milk Dispensers

    Milk Dispensers are a great way to enhance sanitation, reduce waste and improve the dining experience when milk is being served.


    You can select a commercial milk dispenser from manufacturers like Silver King or Vollrath when you shop with Cook’s Direct. When shopping for milk dispensers, it is important to know the volume of milk you anticipate serving at each day part. You can select a display milk dispenser that would be ideal for a hotel buffet or a bulk refrigerated milk dispenser that would fit in a school cafeteria. Cook’s Direct is also a great source for bulk milk dispenser parts and accessories.

    If you need help in selecting the right commercial milk dispenser for your operation, please give us a call at 866-613-2617 and our customer service team can assist you in finding the right bulk milk dispenser for your foodservice operation.

    Selection Help

    When selecting the best refrigerated milk dispenser for your institutional kitchen, you will want to take into consideration the following things:

    • Do I want a bulk milk dispenser with two or more valves so I can serve different varieties of milk?
    • Will I have staff operating the milk dispenser or will it be self-operated by customers or students?
    • Is it necessary to have a refrigerated commercial milk dispenser or will an insulated milk dispenser fit my needs?
    Expert Advice

    Whether you are selecting a single, double, or triple value milk dispenser for your school cafeteria or a display milk dispenser for your campus catering operation, you will want to consider closely what is the best fit for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call one of our experts.