Serving meals in jails and prisons requires a different set of priorities than serving in any other type of environments. The big three factors for most of our clients are safety, portion control and durability. The things that are less important are labor savings and high technology. The safety element is very significant and relates to absolutely every decision being made in a correctional facility, even things that seem minimal – like flatware for meals. Most people wouldn’t know that there is such a thing as high security flatware, let alone that there are multiple options. But, at Cook’s, we specialize in corrections and have for a very long time, and this is a list of our most recommended flatware options for the high security areas or your high risk population.
Ecosecurity Utensil –This unique disposable eating utensil is the safest utensil we have. It is made from a coated, moisture resistant paper board that is similar to the material used in milk cartons. With a quick fold to the center at the top of the utensil, you are able to create a utensil similar to a spoon that will work for cereal, rice, vegetables and other foods that do not require cutting. The Ecotensil is FDA approved and it is a great option where safety is your highest priority like suicide watch, seg or other maximum security environments.
Flex Spoon – Second on our list is the Flex Spoon. Similar to the Ecotensil, this is a good solution for eating any type of food that doesn’t require a knife, but it is also a good choice if you are serving soup, yogurt or other mor liquid products. The Flex Spoon is made of soft, flexible silicone and it can be bent, twisted, stepped on and more, yet it will not break and can’t be made into a shive.
Sentry Series Spork – The Sentry Series Spork is made from a pliable, soft copolymer that is a custom blend for Cook’s. You can bend it and twist it and it will return to it’s original shape. Like the Flex Spoon and other sporks made of stiff materials, you can use this to eat soup or other liquid foods. It is also the only utensil that has tines, so that it can be used to pick food up like a fork. While the material is soft and pliable, it has enough rigidity for eating meats or other foods that are best eaten with a fork than a spoon.
Each of these three options are made for correctional use and can only be found at Cook’s.