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  • Maintaining Non-Stick Surfaces on Smallwares

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    October 11th, 2023

    In a busy commercial kitchen, the efficiency and quality of your cookware can make a significant difference in the final product. Non-stick surfaces on smallwares like pans and baking sheets are essential for many culinary tasks. However, these surfaces can deteriorate over time if not properly cared for, leading to reduced performance and the need for frequent replacement. To maximize the lifespan and effectiveness of your non-stick cookware, it's crucial to follow the best practices for maintenance. Today, we'll explore these practices, helping you keep your non-stick smallwares in top shape.

    Use the Right Utensils

    One of the most common reasons non-stick surfaces become damaged is the use of metal utensils, which can scratch and chip the coating. To maintain your non-stick pans and baking sheets, always opt for utensils made of wood, silicone, or nylon. These materials are soft enough not to harm the non-stick surface while still being sturdy enough for the job.

    Hand Wash with Care

    While some non-stick cookware claims to be dishwasher safe, hand washing is the best way to ensure their longevity. Use a gentle dishwashing detergent, warm water, and a soft sponge or cloth to clean the surface. Avoid abrasive scrubbers or harsh chemicals, which can damage the coating. After cleaning, make sure to thoroughly dry the smallwares to prevent water spots or corrosion.

    Season Your Non-Stick Pans

    Just like cast iron cookware, non-stick pans can benefit from seasoning. This process helps maintain the non-stick properties and extends the pan's life. To season your non-stick pans: • Heat the pan over low to medium heat. • Add a small amount of cooking oil or fat, such as vegetable oil or shortening. • Use a paper towel or cloth to spread the oil evenly across the surface. • Let the pan cool, then wipe away any excess oil with a clean cloth. For a more information on how to properly season your cookware, check out our blog here.

    Avoid High Heat

    Non-stick surfaces have a temperature limit, beyond which they can start to deteriorate. Most non-stick pans are safe up to 500°F (260°C), but prolonged exposure to high heat can cause the coating to break down. To prevent this, always cook on medium or low heat when using non-stick smallwares. High heat is rarely necessary for most cooking tasks, and it's best to err on the side of caution.

    Proper Storage

    Storing your non-stick pans and baking sheets correctly is just as important as using them with care. To prevent scratching or warping, stack them with a soft, non-abrasive material in between or hang them using pot racks. Avoid overcrowding them in a cabinet, which can lead to damage.

    Regularly Inspect for Wear

    Even with proper care, non-stick surfaces will eventually show signs of wear. Regularly inspect your smallwares for any chipping, peeling, or scratching. If you notice any significant damage, it's best to replace the cookware to maintain food quality and safety in a commercial kitchen.

    Final Thoughts

    Maintaining non-stick surfaces on smallwares in a commercial kitchen is crucial for the quality and efficiency of your cooking. By using the right utensils, hand washing with care, seasoning your pans, avoiding high heat, storing them properly, and regularly inspecting for wear, you can extend the lifespan of your non-stick cookware and ensure they perform their best over time. Following these best practices will not only save you money on replacements but also help you consistently deliver delicious, perfectly cooked dishes to your customers.