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    August 24th 2022

    What is Silicone used for in Foodservice?

    Silicone is a synthetic "rubber" made of chemically bound silicon, oxygen, and occasionally carbon. Silicone cookware also can contain a wide range of other materials in addition to oxygen, silicon, and carbon. The most common form of silicone is a flexible, rubber-like plastic that has many qualities that are helpful in the commercial kitchen. However, silicone is also extremely helpful within high-risk environments, such as prisons, psych wards and other institutions. As products made out of silicone cannot be broken, shattered, or formed into weapons.

    Silicone also has a wide range of other applications but is best known for its low toxicity and high heat resistance. You will find that silicone is used in mugs, meal serving trays, cookware, and a variety of other common items. Today we are going to take a look at the benefits of Silicone when used within the foodservice industry.

    Benefits of Silicone


    Silicone is a strong and durable material that can be used again and again, without wear or tear or damage. Also, silicone will maintain its original shape without breaking even when dropped, smushed, folded, etc.

    Easy to clean

    Because of its non-stick surface, items made from silicone are simple to clean. Silicone pans, mugs, trays, and other utensils are dishwasher-safe, and can also be cleaned with just warm water and soap. Another benefit of using silicone is that odors and flavors of foods cooked inside do not stain or leave remaining odors.


    Silicone has excellent nonstick properties. Since you don't need to use grease or baking spray, you’re able to save prep time when using silicone cookware.

    Microwave safe

    With silicone, reheating baked goods or leftovers is easy as can be. You can put your leftovers in the fridge or freezer, take it out when you’re ready, and reheat your foods in the same pan you baked in.

    Storage convenience

    Due to its flexibility, silicone cookware can be easily stored, since cookware made out of silicone can be collapsed and easily stored in any location. A collapsed item will also return to its original shape when it is ready to be used again, without warping.

    Temperature resistant

    Silicone can be used to bake, serve, and store food without having any problems, because it can withstand a wide range of temperature changes. It is resistant to temperatures between -76 and 500 °F.

    Bakes foods evenly

    When cooking with silicone, you will get an even bake. Also, once taken out of the oven, a silicone pan stops baking, unlike metal or other cooking materials. Silicone cookware also cools down quickly, which makes it a more convenient option.

    Is silicone safe to cook with?

    Silicone is considered FDA approved, making silicone cookware safe for food preparation and meal serving. FDA manufacturing requirements for food contact safety must be met by all cookware products. Since food grade silicone is non-reactive, it shouldn't contaminate or otherwise harm your food. If the temperature rises above the safe temperature range, it will melt, but it won't release any toxic fumes at that point. Which ultimately makes silicone a safe option for cooking with.

    Cook’s Correctional has a wide range of silicone meal serving options available, such as our specially designed for corrections, Flex Line. If you need any assistance in the process of purchasing new foodservice equipment, reach out to our sales professionals, we are happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

    cooks brand flex line