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    In Stock
    December 29th, 2021

    We are excited to be distributing yet another new Buyers Guide for Corrections from Cook’s. This year is a special anniversary for us! 2022 marks the 25th year for the Cook’s Buyers Guide for Corrections. With each year, we do our best to create a resource for our customers and this year is no different. The catalog is available online: 2022 Buyers Guide for Corrections.

    In the front of the catalog, we traditionally include a note from our President & CEO, Jeff Breeden. This year’s note reflects on the past and the present.

    “It’s hard to believe that this Buyers Guide is the 25th anniversary of the first catalog. Cook’s was founded on the idea of providing the right equipment to jails and prisons. Twenty five years ago, many facilities were buying light duty, restaurant equipment and we set out to change that. Today, we not only sell the best equipment for corrections, we have a full line of trays and other specialty correctional products that we’ve developed. These products are designed to make you more efficient, reduce costs, and keep the staff/inmates safer.

    Post-covid, so many things have changed but Cook’s remains steadfast in providing our correctional customers the best products and service possible. Our team of correctional foodservice experts is always standing by to help in any way they can. “

    Be sure to check out the online catalog, available on CooksCorrectional.com and look for your Buyers Guide for Corrections in your mailbox, after the New Year.

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