If you have a variety of flooring types or surfaces in your facility, you should review your inventory of floor cleaning equipment and supplies to make sure that you have the proper brush type for each different flooring type. You can break broom or brush types into three different categories: fine, medium or coarse. Different types of flooring or surfaces are cleaned better with the right type of brush or broom.
Where do you use a fine bristled brush or broom?
Hard finished floors such as wood, marble, terrazzo or ceramic tile are best cleaned with a broom or brush that has fine bristles. A soft bristled broom, like the Carlisle Light Industrial Broom, will gently sweep up dirt and debris on a hard floor yet it won’t damage or scratch a wood surface.
here do you use a broom with medium bristles?
Looking to sweep up resilient smooth floors like vinyl, linoleum, rubber or tile? You’ll find that a broom or brush with medium bristles is the right choice. You can also use this type of broom on smooth concrete or asphalt. Medium bristled brooms can be used either wet or dry and they are ideal for picking up larger food particles, like peels, or other kitchen debris that may end up on the floor.
What flooring types are best cleaned with a coarse broom?
If you have rough unfinished flooring surfaces or exterior areas that you need to sweep clean you will want to use a coarse broom for the job. Surfaces like unfinished wood, rough concrete, blacktop or paved areas are all appropriate for cleaning with a coarse broom or brush because you don’t have any concerns for damaging the surface yet it is likely that the surface could damage a lesser robust bristle type. You will also be removing larger types of debris and dealing with uneven, bumpy surfaces that will demand greater pressure on the broom or brush to be cleaned.
Whatever type of broom or brush you are using; you also want to be sure that you are using equipment that is up for the task of getting the area cleaned. Germs can collect quickly in a broom or brush and it is important to replace these regularly. Throw old and especially dirty used brushes or brooms away. You can also lengthen the life of your floor sweeps, brooms and floor brushes by hanging them when they are not in use so that the bristles are kept off the floor and out of any additional contaminants.