A common question from young bakers and aspiring confectionary makers is what is the difference between a sheet pan and a cookie sheet?
The answer may surprise given the distinct names and assumed function but the answer is: not too much. The main difference is sheet pans will most often have a rim or rolled edge completely around the pan itself where cookie sheets are typically flat. The reason cookie sheets don’t have edges is air circulation. For ideal cooking for cookies, it is necessary to have air flow around the cookie for even baking and a quicker cook time.
Although the sheet pan and cookie pan materials will be very similar and that includes commercial cookie sheets and commercial sheet pans, the design of a cookie sheet is specifically intended for the unique cooking needs of cookies. Aluminum sheet pans, stainless steel sheet pans, aluminum cookie sheets and stainless steel cookie sheets are all capable of cooking similar things but ultimately it comes down to what you will primarily be using them for.